- Product Details
- About Bertello
Product Details
Bertello Propane Gas Burner Attachment - quickly and easily attach the removable gas burner attachment to use with your Bertello Oven, and heat up your oven to temperatures over 900 degrees in less than 20 minutes. Works with propane.
Also included in this combo is the 'Bertello Wood Burning Tray for Propane Gas Burner'. This patent pending wood tray allows you to cook with wood in your Bertello Pizza Oven while using the Gas Burner at the same time. Quickly heat the oven with the propane gas burner, then add wood a few minutes before cooking for an authentic wood fired flavor. This combo makes fire management effortless!
About Bertello
About Bertello
Bertello became an instant hit after appearing on Shark Tank in 2020, and has since also felt the effects of a growing market for outdoor ovens.
The company manufactures its Bertello Outdoor Pizza Oven with an insert for charcoal and wood, which is a great option for those who love smoky flavors.
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